6 Questions to Ask Your Oncologist About Your Cancer Diagnosis

Receiving a cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming, but asking the right questions can help you gain clarity and take control of your treatment journey. Here are six essential questions to ask your doctor that can guide you through understanding your diagnosis, exploring treatment options, and finding the best support for your specific needs.

1. What type of cancer do I have, and what stage is it?

There are over 200 types of cancer, and they are categorized by where they start in your body and what kind of tissue they affect. You should be told what organ or area of your body your cancer originated in and whether it is a 

  • Solid cancer – Abnormal tissue mass, lesion, or tumor
  • Blood cancer – Abnormal blood cell production that affects the bone marrow, blood, and lymph
  • Combination – Abnormal tissue cells travel in the blood and/or lymphatic systems


The stage of your cancer is a measure of how advanced your disease is in your body. The majority of cancers have four stages, and multiple factors, including tumor size, cell counts, and location, determine the stage of your cancer. 

  • Stages I-III (1-3) – Early-stage to locally advanced, where your cancer has grown directly into the surrounding tissue or spread to neighboring lymph nodes
  • Stage IV (4) – Metastatic, meaning that your cancer has traveled to other parts of the body through your bloodstream or lymphatic system


2. What hospitals are the best at treating my cancer, and how do I get a second opinion from one of them?

Just because your hospital may be able to treat your cancer does not mean it is a cancer diagnostic and treatment center. There are 72 National Cancer Institute-designated cancer centers across 36 states that provide second opinions, cutting-edge treatment, trial options, and laboratory and clinical research. However, not all of them specialize in, conduct research on, and offer trials for your type of cancer. This is where Cancer Sherpa comes in. Clare and her team will locate which cancer centers focus on your type of cancer and help you access all they offer. Additionally, your doctor should not only be able to help you get a second or multiple opinions from these cancer centers but should encourage it.

3. What treatments are available for my cancer?

There are currently nine different ways to treat cancer, and more are being developed and tested in clinical trials daily. However, the most cutting-edge and effective treatments for your type of cancer may not be available to you unless you are at a cancer center with an oncologist, oncological surgeon, or transplant team who can perform that specific surgery/treatment or administer the trial treatment/drug to you. Not all hospitals and cancer centers offer all treatment and trial options, and that is why having an experienced patient navigator can make all the difference.

4. How serious is my cancer, and what are my chances of survival? 

Once you have a definitive diagnosis of your cancer, you will receive a prognosis. Your prognosis is the chance of recovery or recurrence of your cancer and is dependent on the following:

  • Type and location of your cancer
  • Stage of your cancer
  • Grade of your cancer
  • Cancer cell traits, such as specific genetic changes or hormone receptor status
  • Age and health status before cancer diagnosis
  • How you respond to treatment

All of these factors can and do change over the course of your treatment and/or trials. Cancer Sherpa is fluent in oncology, medicine, and medical research. We can translate the above and work with you in real-time as you and your care team determine what treatments your body can tolerate. 

5. Where are the closest/best hospitals and doctors for my cancer? 

The National Cancer Institute provides a search engine for NCI-designated cancer Centers and how to contact them. However, this is where a Cancer Sherpa shines! We will not only locate where you can receive the best cancer care but also which oncologist you should see. If you do not live near one of the cancer centers, we can help you work with your local medical centers to see if they can effectively treat you locally or assist you if you need to travel to receive the best care possible. 

6. What type of support do I need?

Understanding your capabilities at each step of your cancer journey is essential, from diagnosis to treatment and beyond. Questions regarding surgery, recovery, mobility, medication management and side effects, ability to work, and stamina are all critical to understanding what life will be like while undergoing and after treatment. Cancer Sherpa is not only here to help you navigate your treatment but also to help ease your burden. We can help you arrange everything from transport, grocery delivery, pain management, and beyond.

Please reach out if you have any questions about cancer or the services we offer.

Your privacy is of the utmost importance. Please know that any information you share will come directly to me, Clare, and remain confidential.

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